We have performed several musicals in recent years.
The last three were: “WAARITANKA! An animal conference”, ”SOLVE IT! The clock is ticking!” and ‘STAND UP! It’s your rights too!’.
Our past three musicals

The animal world has finally had enough!
They no longer want to stand by and watch humans destroy their habitats.
That’s why the animals are holding a conference to save their ecosystems.
They meet to consider together what possibilities there are to take action against the miserable conditions in the world.
Join the animals at this important conference!

Solve it – Die Zeit rennt
This musical explains the problems we currently have in our world. It is a gripping story about our future, which is already lost today if we don’t change things together. “Solve It” – Time is Running” won the “Action Days Austria” in 2018 and was thus also presented at the annual HLPF (High Level Political Forum) at the UN in New York.

Stand up!
Here we tell the story of truant Kim, who is given a presentation on the topic “Am I happy with my life?” as a punishment. To cheer Mia up, her friend Mia shows her an old box in the woods. Contrary to her friend’s warning, Kim opens it and discovers something unexpected …
The contents affect her deeply and change her perspective, so much so that Kim suddenly knows exactly what she is going to write in her essay.
Children’s rights are not a favor from adults, which our society and all the countries that have signed them should take much more seriously.