Our workshops
Here is an overview of the workshops we have developed. We also run some of the workshops ourselves. The time resources of us youth ambassadors are very limited, which is why we provide the workshop materials free of charge. These materials contain detailed instructions on how to conduct the workshop.
Current workshops

"Irgendwie nach irgendwo"-workshop
The interactive workshop “Irgendwie nach irgendwo” addresses the situation of refugees from the beginning of their decision to flee to their arrival in Vorarlberg through several stages. By creating their own identity, the participants are instructed to empathise with the fate of a person on their own responsibility. Each step is reflected upon and accompanied to ensure that there is the best possible understanding of the causes, reasons and plans for fleeing. The aim is to sensitise people to the reality of refugees’ lives through the socio-educational experience and to promote a critical examination of asylum policy in Austria.

"Psyche ist sichtbar"-workshop
Talking openly about your mental health – who does that? The #psycheistsichtbar workshop aims to break the taboo around mental health and create space for an open exchange on topics such as emotions, well-being and mental health. The interactive workshop aims to introduce young people to various mindfulness techniques and show them ways to develop inner resources that can help them deal with stress and difficult life situations.

Workshop about the SDG
Our workshop “The laziest sock is part of the solution” introduces the sustainability goals in a simple and understandable way. Appropriate materials are used depending on the age of the participants. Basic terms in connection with the SDGs such as “sustainability” or “UN” are clarified and the connection between economy, ecology and social issues is discussed. In the end, it is important to recognise that EVERYONE can and MUST contribute to successful implementation and that we can only make the world a better place together.

Workshop about the UN Children's Rights
We offer various workshops on children’s rights, such as an interactive giant board game and other games that can be played both outdoors and indoors. Together with the children, we work on the complex and important topic of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in a creative, playful and understandable way. It is also possible to book workshops on individual fundamental rights such as freedom of expression, protection from violence, flight, etc.

"Wir essen die Welt" workshop
How do we influence the world with our food/consumption? With the help of an interactive elaboration of this topic, the effects of our consumption are also made understandable to younger people. By means of country information on five selected countries, the participants are instructed to slip into the roles of people from the production of the individual products, to deal with their transport routes to Austria and the associated effects.
Archived workshops

Workshop about biodiversity
The biodiversity workshop aims to make the complex relationships in the animal and plant world more accessible to young people (from primary school to lower school age). A wide range of interactive activities are used to work through concepts and mechanisms together. They will also work out their own relationship to the problem of species extinction and endeavour to find solutions for the future.

"Die Reise der Jeans"-workshop
The fast fashion industry is at the forefront when it comes to wasting resources. Fashion manufacturers are producing more and more cheap clothing and collections in less and less time. When buying clothes, people often fail to consider how many (completely new) textiles end up in landfills and on beaches, and how highly toxic chemicals not only endanger the health of workers, but also pollute the surrounding waters. The fashion industry is responsible for up to 10% of CO² emissions every year, which heat up our atmosphere. Together we follow the journey of jeans – from cotton to the clothing shop.

The importance of hygiene is highlighted here. What does it mean for people to have no access to water and toilets? What consequences does this have for health and the environment in other parts of the world?
What is “open defication” and how can barriers to disease transmission be created in development cooperation using a “5F diagram”?
The workshop is suitable for young people, adults and children aged 7 and over.

Workshop about water
Interactive workshop on various topics relating to our most precious resource: WATER.
Using a world map, we will look at water resources and the (un)equitable distribution on our planet. Various terms such as “virtual water” and the privatisation of water are addressed and explained. Not everyone is so privileged and has access to clean drinking water, which sometimes has dire consequences.
When discussing the topic of water waste, the question quickly arises:
How much water do each and every one of us use? And how can we save water?
In fact: Imagine you didn’t have a tap? How about a self-experiment?